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8th Infantry Division (Mech)
(Page 3)
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
Trains |
8th Division Trains DI |
(Source: STATION LIST, 30 June 1962) |
HQ/HQ Det Div Trains |
Bad Kreuznach |
8th Quartermaster Co |
Bad Kreuznach |
8th Medical Bn |
HQ/HQ Co |
Wackernheim |
A Co |
Wackernheim |
B Co |
Wackernheim |
708th Ordnance Bn |
HQ/HQ Co |
Smith Bks, Baumholder |
A Co |
Lee Bks, Gonsenheim (Mainz) |
20th Transportation Bn |
HQ/HQ Co |
Bad Kreuznach |
A Co |
Bad Kreuznach |
B Co |
Smith Bks, Baumholder |
C Co |
Smith Bks, Baumholder |
(1) 16th Trans Co (Lt Trk) |
Lee Bks, Gonsenheim (Mainz) |
(1) 23rd Trans Co (Lt Trk) |
Lee Bks, Gonsenheim (Mainz) |
(1) 104th Trans Co (Med Trk) |
Coleman Bks, Sandhofen |
(1) 544th Trans Co (Lt Trk) |
Baumholder |
(2) 8th Admin Co |
Bad Kreuznach |
(1) In the European Theater, additional truck companies were attached to the Transportation Bn that was organic to Div Trains.
(2) According to doctrine for the period, the Administration Company should have been organic to Division Trains. However, some sources indicate that the 8th Admin Co was a separate company under HQ 8th Inf Div. Can anyone provide details? |
Division Support Command |
8th Division Support Command DI
8th Division Support Command DI (when approved?) |
(Source: STATION LIST, 30 June 1965) |
HQ/HQ Co & Div Band |
Rose Bks, Bad Kreuznach |
TOE 29-002E65 |
8th Medical Bn |
HQ & A Co |
Coleman Bks, Sandhofen |
TOE 08-036E65 - Hqs & Support Co |
B Co |
Coleman Bks, Sandhofen |
TOE 08-037E65 |
C Co |
Coleman Bks, Sandhofen |
TOE 08-037E65 |
D Co |
Coleman Bks, Sandhofen |
TOE 08-037E65 |
8th Supply & Trans Bn |
HQ/HQ Co |
Des Gouttes Ksn, BK |
TOE 29-006E65 |
A Co |
Des Gouttes Ksn, BK |
TOE 10-007E65 - Supply and Service |
B Co |
Des Gouttes Ksn, BK |
TOE 55-087E65 - Trans Motor Transport |
708th Maintenance Bn |
HQ & A Co |
Smith Bks, Baumholder |
TOE 29-026E65 - Hqs & Main Support Co |
B Co |
McCully Bks, Wackernheim |
TOE 55-086E65 - Trans Aircraft Maint |
C Co |
Coleman Bks, Sandhofen |
TOE 29-026E65 - Forward Support |
D Co |
Lee Bks, Gonsenheim (Mainz) |
TOE 29-026E65 - Forward Support |
E Co |
Smith Bks, Baumholder |
TOE 29-026E65 - Forward Support |
(1) 8th Admin Co |
Bad Kreuznach |
TOE 12-036E65 |
(2) 11th QM Co (AES) |
Rhein Ksn, Biebrich (Wiesbaden) |
TOE 10-337E65 - Trans Motor Transport |
(1) According to doctrine for the period (FM 54-2, 1961 and 1965), the Administration Company should have been organic to Division Support Command. However, some sources I have for the 1967-68 period, indicate that the 8th Admin Co was a separate company under HQ 8th Inf Div. Can anyone provide details?
(2) In an Airborne Division, the Air Equipment Support company (11th QM Co) would have been organic to the Division Support Command. However, the 11th QM Co appears to have been a separate company in the mid-1960s and was not listed under DISCOM. A few years later, as stated in a STARS & STRIPES article from 1970 (see below), the 11th came under the S&T Bn which would correspond to doctrine. Can anyone provide details? |
Division Data Center |

Location of DISCOM and the DDC vans, 1980s (Photo from the Bad Kreuznach Konversion) |

The temporary structure in the motor park across the street from the DISCOM
building once used to interconnect the DDC vans and trailers at Rose Bks |
1984 |
(Source: Paul Roberston, Facebook) |
I was at Rose Barracks in Bad Kreuznach from 1984-1986 at the Division Data Center (DDC). Cpt. Milo was the CO of the company; SGM Zepeda was DISCOM SGM. The DDC folks were assigned to HHC DISCOM.
Additionally, HHC DISCOM commanders were Willie G. Storey, when I arrived, Timothy L. Patton and the Alexander M. Milosevech (sp?) aka Cpt. Milo.
We were running two IBM System 360/40s when I got there in 1984. We eventually transitioned to the Honeywell DAS3 (GCOS Level 6 systems) once they could get the daily logistics cycle to run on the smaller systems inside 24 hours. (First attempts at replacing them resulted in a 32hr daily logistics run.)
The DDC itself wasn’t in a structure (building). It was several trailers backed up to a covered concrete “pad” across from the DISCOM HQ barracks. Starting with a small “Production Control” van, and a CPU and I/O trailer for each system.
The area was completely fenced in, and the back portion was separately enclosed, I thing that was (8th Inf Div) HHC's motor park. The DISCOM motor park was behind the NCO club, I think Signal also had their motor park there.
There was one Production Control Van, but two vans for each system with bus and tag cables running between them and a catwalk as well. Each CPU van (trailer, really) had the CPU, operator console, card reader/punch and line printer. The I/O vans had a bank of disk drives and tape drives. CPU 1 generally ran the logistics program DS4 (Direct Support Standard Supply System) and CPU2 ran SIDPERS (personnel) -- I think the finance app TUFMIS (Tactical Unit Financial Management Information System) was also generally on system 2, but that was small enough to run in one of the foreground partitions on either system. I could be misremembering that.
I think PC and maintenance and a third van (printer paper/supplies maybe) were self-contained 2 1/2 ton trucks with attached box vans. The CPU and I/O vans were semi-trailers, with 5T cabs parked on the lot.
DISCOM Building: The DISCOM command element was on the first floor, with some logistics elements in the basement, as well as the HHC arms room, mail room and NBC room.
The second floor was HHC offices and barracks, the third floor were more barracks.
Fourth floor was stuff I don’t recall, and the DDC offices, for us programmers and the leadership.
Maintenance folks had a truck on the pad, as well as operations.
DISCOM was essentially a brigade command with a Col in charge. HHC was a normal company command under a captain. The DDC had a Major in command, with a Captain and CW3 under him over programming and operations and a second CW3 over maintenance.
Additional Information: Not sure about the 1960’s, but Admin Company and Finance were in barracks over by the NCO club. Division Band, I assumed was part of HHC 8th ID, they were in their barracks or the first one over by the club.
There were two mess halls on Rose: one by Signal and one across the grass from HQ, sort of in front of DISCOM. Around 1985, they moved those folks from the HHC 8th ID barracks to the HHC DISCOM barracks, but I’m not sure if there was a reorg to go with it.
The little building between DISCOM and the fence was the USAF comm/controller guys and their Jeep.
8th Administration Company |
1960 |
(Source: Special Organization Day 1960 Issue of the ARROW, 8th Inf Div newspaper, July 1, 1960) |
QM Sec
8th Administration Company
HISTORY - The present 8th Admin Co, commanded by Capt Lorence F. Brown, can be traced back to 1943 when the 31st Replacement Company, 31st Inf Div, was activated at Camp Forest, Tenn. The unit served as part of the famous "Dixie" Division throughout World War II, earning four silver campaign bands for the Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, and the central Europe campaigns.
In August of 1945 the 31st Replacement Company was inactivated at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. With the outbreak of the Korean Conflict in 1950, this unit was converted and redesignated as the 8th Replacement Company, 8th Inf Div. It was in 1957 that the present name of 8th Administration Company was adopted and the unit expanded to its present size.
MISSION - The mission of the 8th Admin Co is serve as a carrier unit for elements of the Division rear echelon, which will provide personnel and administrative services, including replacement support.
COMPOSITION - The Company is composed of a Headquarters Section which includes the Replacement Section, Supply and Mess facilities, the Adjutant General Section, the Finance Section, the Inspector General Section, the Special Services Section the Judge Advocate General Section, and the Headquarters Unit Personnel Section.
The Replacement Section also performs an important task in that not only are replacements received and reassigned but they also receive necessary processing and equipment. Replacements are given an orientation by the replacement section Commander, Capt Lewis C. Jones Jr., on histories and missions of NATO, 7th Army, 8th Div, German and European laws, and customs, our obligations under the status of forces aggreement and the importance of German-American relations. |
Organization of the 8th Administration Company, mid-1960s |
1965 |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The division administration company (1) company has certain personal and special staff sections which provide personnel and administrative service support to the division and its attachments. The company also provides electrical accounting equipment (punch card and transceiver) services and organizational maintenance of such equipment.
The administration company provides those division personal and special staff sections which normally remain with the division rear echelon. This company also provides the division chaplain who normally is located at division main. He coordinates the collective efforts of division chaplains in providing denominational coverage, as required.
The company operates under the general staff supervision of the division G1, and under the support command commander for unit administration, tactical training, and tactical operations.
The company headquarters section performs the normal functions of a company headquarters, including mess and supply. The division personal and special staff officers assigned to the company (adjutant general, finance officer, inspector general, staff judge advocate, chaplain, and information officer) operate in accordance with staff procedures and doctrine set forth in FM 101-5. T
The adjutant general section included within the company also provides centralized personnel service, postal service, special service support, and, when properly augmented, replacement support for the division.
For details of the employment and functions of the administration company see FM 12-11.
(1) The 8th Administration Company was located at Rose Barracks, Bad Kreuznach (STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1966). |
1970 |
(Source: consolidation of comments from various emails sent by Larry Mayland and Ray Goldbacher) |
I (Larry M.) was XO of the 8th Admin Co from April 1970 to September 1971. We were a separate company under Support Command and stationed at Rose Barracks in Bad Kreuznach.
(R. Goldbacher) Off the top of my head I would say 5300 is Div. Headquarters, facing the flagpole. Division commander and assistant, chief of staff, Div. Sgt. Maj., S1 thru S4, Provost Marshall, Div. surgeon.
I worked in the building, in 8th MI Detachment Counterintelligence Ops, under S2. As did our photo interp. section.
I believe the MI detachment itself was billeted and headquartered in the adjoining building 5303. And I think the small building 5339 was used by our motor pool. 5345 could be the chapel, facing the street. And I believe JAG office was in 5301. I believe buildings in the back by ball field were all Signal Corps. This is all pretty fuzzy. I spent some time online looking at old films and photos. I'm almost certain about Div. HQ building, though. The 8th MI Detachment had small field offices in BK, Baumholder, and Heidelberg, where the division had large troop concentrations. These were primarily for security clearance investigations and document security functions, in addition to the general counterintelligence mission. None in Mainz, which had an airborne battalion, or Dexheim, which I believe had a missile battery. We serviced them from BK. I can't speak for other division staff. I don't know of any staff sub-units at other locations, aside from those organic to the battalions. Talked with my former XO and he offers this:
1- we had no field office in Heidelberg, it was Mannheim. My mistake.
2- he says I correctly identified the 8th MID motor pool structure, 5339, but based on its location he believes the MI Detachment was housed in building 5304, not 5303 as I had indicated. He seems certain and he worked there daily. I worked in 5300, the division HQ. |
8th Medical Battalion |
Organization of the 8th Medical Battalion, mid-1960s |
8th Medical Bn DUI |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The medical battalion (1) provides division level medical service to the division to include -
a. Operation of division clearing stations with a limited short-term holding capacity.
b. Ambulance evacuation of patients from unit medical treatment facilities.
c. Medical supply and organizational maintenance of medical equipment.
d. Emergency dental treatment.
e. Limited psychiatric service. and its attachments with all items of supply except class V, medical supplies and equipment, aircraft parts and supplies, cryptographic materiel, water, repair parts, and airdrop equipment. In addition, the battalion provides -
The medical battalion is assigned to the support command. The three medical companies are capable of operating ambulance and clearing stations in support of the brigades. Normally, a clearing station will be operated by each company for the unit that it supports. Each medical company can operate two clearing stations for displacement and short duration operations.
The headquarters and support company ambulances and clearing station normally operate in the division support area to support division troops and the support command.
Medical units normally furnish support on an area basis. For details of the operation of the medical battalion see FM 8-15..
(1) The 8th Medical Battalion (1966) was located at Lee Barracks, Gonsenheim (Mainz) (STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1966).
Webmaster note: It looks like the 8th Med Bn got moved around a lot in that time frame: in 1964 the battalion was located at Wackernheim; in 1965 they were stationed at Coleman Barracks, Sandhofen and, sometime early 1966, they moved to Lee Barracks.)
1965 |
(Source: Email from Terry Landenberger, B Co (ABN), 8th Med Bn) |
I was an airborne medic (8th Div, 8th Med Bn, Company B) at Coleman Barracks, Sandhofen, Germany from 1965-1966. I believe Company B was the only airborne medical company in Germany. We were in support of the 509th, I believe. My memory is getting a little fuzzy.
We had the ¾-ton ambulance and the standard jeep, not sure what the military number was and, yes, we used 100-foot cargo chutes to drop the jeeps and they went out the tail gate of the 130’s. We took the deuce and a half with generator trailers in the 130’s also, but were landed at the airport and unloaded.
I went to jump school in Wiesebaden in 1965 and was assigned to Company B Airborne after jump school.
I was involved in the drop in Denmark and the next year around Munich.
Your web page brings back lots of memories. First Sargent Bland was our first sarg, a great guy and no nonsense leader.
We had one helicopter jump at a place called Kuberg Hill using the old CH34 copter. The rest of my 13 jumps were out of C-130’s. Great plane and still in use today.
Kuhberg Hill was a miserable place to use for a drop zone, windy and surrounded by trees! The riggers jumped first and were drifted into the trees, we called them wind dumbies. It took two loads of them to figure out the wind drift, it was just border line as far as wind vel. I remember looking out the chopper door and seeing nothing but trees below us.
Again, thanks for the memories.
1972 |
(Source: Email from Frederick Zirin) |
I note you have most of the units of the Pathfinder (8th) Division (Mechanized), but you probably have no information about the 8th Medical Battalion that was at Turley Barracks in Mannheim in the 1970s. Companies A, C, and D were stationed there whereas Company B was with the airborne component of the division at Mainz.
Frederick Zirin is my name and I was there from December 1972 until end of May 1975, in C Company. I achieved the rank of SP4 before my departure from Germany. I then decided to try to stay associated with the US Army and, with times spent in Control Group in St Louis, with the Reserves in Massachusetts and Connecticut, and then the National Guard in Virginia, finishing and retiring with the Reserves, with a total of 39 years and the rank of SFC.
There was a Reforger IV in which the medical personnel were tasked to perform duties during the exercises.
We also went to Baumholder and Grafenwhoehr and supported tank range operations.
I also went to the range when the MP company did their 45 cal qualification. I was permitted to qualify as well. Some of us went to qualify with the German weapons. That was a story.
There were also a couple of V Corps units at Turley Barracks. As you came in through the main gate (I did a few months of gate guard duty) the building immediately to the left was the 8th Med building. C Company was on the 3rd floor.
Further over to the left was one of the Transportation companies, then to the right and a little pushed back was the dining facility. One year it won I think 3rd place in a DISCOM competition for the 8th Inf Division.
Then to the right was another Transportation unit.
Around the corner was a building that held some legal offices and school offices for soldiers who wanted to get their GED and the library. Behind that building was a field that held a few dozen Abrams tanks and other wheeled and tracked vehicles. The area had to be patrolled at night by a roving patrol in which the gate guards served.
Back to the entrance, coming in on the right side was an exchange, cleaners, barber shop, gym, snack bar.
Going further up on the right was the 8th Med BN HQ and a little further beyond that was the motor pool that had several ambulances and jeeps 5/4 ton trucks and 2.5 ton trucks plus their trailers.
For each of the 3 companies A, C, D, Hq & SPT. BN commanders while I was there were a LCOL and a MAJ but I don’t remember their names. I remember my company commanders, CPT Hiller, CPT Gary Reinsch, and 1LT Lawrence Leahy. There was a 1SG Blackburn.
There were a couple of tunnel entrances in the parade ground going back to WWII that were cordoned off and we were not allowed to go down into them. We were told they were booby-trapped.
Sadly, I recall a couple of soldiers had been killed in an accident when they were driving one of the ambulances. One of them was a friend and I no longer remember his name.
Your Turley Barracks map shows a lot of buildings I didn’t even know were there back in 1972-1975.
Main entrance with gate guard post was at 492. The buildings immediately to the right, 491-493, I think were access clearing buildings and held the offices for the gate guards and the roving patrol personnel. 494 was where they had the NCO club. I can’t say it was a wonderful place to drink alcohol.
Across the street Friedrich-Ebert Strasse was a gasthaus (pub) and they had the best wienerschnitzel sandwiches. And of course dark German beer. Not bad for the few dollars they cost back then. Actually, to the right of the pub, about a mile and on the same side of the street, there was an old synagogue. When I went in there on a Friday evening there were only a few old men, survivors of the concentration camps. Around the corner from the synagogue was an old Jewish cemetery. The Germans had desecrated the graves and they were missing quite a few stones. I was sickened by that sight, wishing I had never been sent to Germany. I think I was the only Jewish soldier on the whole kaserne. But, back to the map.
Bldg 487 had the exchange and snack bar. The gym was close by or in there also. 467 had the motor pools for the 8th Med BN. I think 469 was where the BN HQ was. I was only there twice the whole time I was there, when I was selected to be SOQ a couple of times. Never quite made it to Mainz for the DISCOM competition, as they kept me too often in the field with the ambulances and never had the time to read newspapers and prepare.
Bldg 472, 479, 481 were V Corps units. I made a couple of friends there, but have lost contact with them over the years. 472 was where they billeted the females for the 8th Med BN. They only started coming in 1974 and they picked out their eligible male partners. It seems that women always get to choose.
I think Bldg 475 was the dining facility. The senior mess sergeant was an E8 master sergeant and he led his staff to place in several DISCOM dining facility award competitions. So the food was actually quite satisfactory.
Now, in back of the library and in that great space were a preponderance of military vehicles, not just ambulances. Jeeps. 5/4 ton trucks. 2.5 ton trucks. And tanks M1 Abrams tanks. Must have been about 60 of them. I think they were actually stored there as replacements for the 3rd and 5th of the 68th Armor that were also stationed there in Mannheim at Sullivan Barracks.) |
1973 |
(Source: Email from Steve Perry) |
I was assigned to Company D from 1973-1975.
The 8th Medical Bn had three companies stationed at Turley Barracks in Mannheim: Headquarters and Support (Company A), Company C and D.
Bravo is correctly listed at Lee Barracks.
I was assigned to Delta Company but was duty elsewhere, 56th General Hospital Bad Kreuznach.
I worked for the division’s Mental Hygiene Consultation Service (Division Psychiatrist).
I spend just a few days at Turley: in/out processing, promotion boards and MOS testing.
My few days at Turley were spent sleeping in an old horse barn above the battalion headquarters. The place was a dump. |
8th Supply & Transportation Battalion |

8th Supply & Transport Battalion, Bad Kreuznach, 1965-67 (YouTube video) |

Rhein Kaserne, Biebrich, home of the 11th QM Company, c. 1968 (Mark Jernigan) |
Organization of the 8th Supply & Transport Battalion, mid-1960s |
8th Supply & Transportation Bn DUI |
1965 |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The supply & transportation battalion (3) is responsible for supplying the division and its attachments with all items of supply except class V, medical supplies and equipment, aircraft parts and supplies, cryptographic materiel, water, repair parts, and airdrop equipment. In addition, the battalion provides -
a. Reserve stocks of classes I and III, and selected fast moving classes II and IV supplies in all divisions.
b. Transportation for logistic support operations.
c. Transportation for tactical movement in the infantry division, when required.
d. Bath facilities when properly augmented and, when practical, clothing exchange service.
e. Map supply.
f. Graves registration service, when properly augmented.
g. A division salvage collection facility.
h. Limited purchasing and contracting.
i. Coordination for laundry and exchange services.
j. Limited capability for rigging supplies and equipment for resupply by air.
k. Advice to division units on food service matters.
The supply and transport battalion provides and operates distribution points for classes I and III supplies in the brigade trains areas as well as in the division support area. On request, classes II and IV supplies are delivered by the support command to forward class I supply distribution points for issue.
Selected classes II and IV supplies may also be stocked at forward class I supply distribution points. Division reserve stocks of classes I, II, III, and IV supplies are maintained in the division support area.
a. Supply and transport elements from the battalion may be attached to or placed in support of divisional units operating in independent or semiindependent missions. When properly augmented, the battalion provides bath unit support on an area
basis. The battalion, when properly augmented, provides graves registration support in each brigade area to receive, identify, and arrange for evacuation of dead to the division collection point. It also provides a graves registration collection point in the division support area.
b. In the infantry divisions, corps or
army transportation units must be provided if combat units are to be moved in a single lift.
c. For details of the operation of the supply and transport battalion, see FM 10-50.
(1) The 8th S&T Battalion was modified from the type supply and transportation battalion defined in FM 54-2 by the addition of Detachment "C," an airfield support unit for the division.
(2) 8th S&T Battalion was also modified by the addition of the 11th Quartermaster Company, an air equipment support unit that provided support to the airborne elements of the division.
(3) The 8th S&T Battalion (1966) was located at Des Gouttes Kaserne in Bad Kreuznach (STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1966). Detachment "C" was located at the division's airfield in Finthen and the 11th QM Co was stationed at Rhein Kaserne, Biebrich (Wiesbaden). |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The air equipment support company is organic to the supply and transport battalion of the airborne division support command. This company requisitions, receives, stores, and issues airdrop equipment. It is capable of receiving and stockpiling sufficient airdrop equipment for packing, rigging, and loading supplies and equipment prior to an airborne operation, to include the accompanying supplies that are dropped by parachute. In addition to the above, the company -
a. Inspects and packs parachutes.
b. Provides organizational maintenance for airdrop equipment.
c. Supervises and assists in the evacuation of airdrop equipment after a drop.
d. Provides technical assistance in the packing, rigging, and loading of supplies and equipment for airdrop.
The company operates in support of the division in garrison or in the departure area and accompanies the division on administrative moves. Once the division is committed, the continuing daily airdrop requirement is provided by an army aerial supply company.
a. The air equipment support company provides technical assistance to units of the airborne division preparing for an airborne operation.
(1) The supply and maintenance platoon requisitions, stores, and issues airdrop equipment, maintains supply records, and inspects and assembles rigging components and related equipment. The platoon also performs organizational maintenance on the airdrop equipment and, when required, attaches parachute assemblies to cargo and assists in packing of personnel and cargo parachutes.
(2) The packing platoon inspects and packs cargo and personnel parachutes. It inspects cargo parachute assemblies and may assist jumpmasters in inspecting the fit of personnel parachutes. Personnel of the packing platoon may accompany the assault echelon to provide technical assistance in the recovery and evacuation of airdrop equipment.
(3) The airdrop delivery platoon performs heavy cargo parachute packing and supervises the platform load rigging and preparation of aerial delivery containers.
b. For details of the operation of the airborne division air equipment support company, see FM 10-8. |
1970 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Nov 30, 1970) |
The 8th Supply & Transportation Battalion is located at Bad Kreuznach and is commanded by Lt Col William L. Foley. Unit stregth is about 500 soldiers. One-third of the battalion is airborne qualified. (The battalion has an airborne forward supply section, an airborne POL section, and airborne water point and an airborne truck squad.)
The battalion has a supply and transportation support mission in support of the 8th Inf Div and attached units. The unit handles everything from M60 tanks to mess hall supplies, jump suits and wastepaper baskets.
The battalion also has a service mission -- it provides aerial delivery and airfield operations.
Attached to the battalion are the 11th QM Company and Detachment C (Airfield Support).
Company A - is the battalion's supply section (see below for more details).
Company B -
is the transportation arm of the battalion. It has 240 trucks assigned to it
The 11th Quartermaster Co, stationed at Rhine Kaserne near Wiesbaden, is USAREUR's only QM air equipment supply company. The air delivery/equipment supply role includes pachaging, rigging and loading of supplies and equipment for airborne delivery. The company provides support to the Airborne elements of the 8th Infantry Division but also supports other USAREUR units using troop-type parachutes. The red-hatted packers and riggers of the company have USAREUR's only equipment for preparing the heavy-drop loads in an airborne assault. (See below for more details.)
Det C (Airfield Support) -- operates the Division airfield at Finthen. |
Company A, 8th S&T Battalion |
The Supply & Service Section stocks some 2,200 line items. The S&S Sec is staffed with 28 people who handle the tons of general supplies received or issued for the division.
The section claims that a unit in the division can receive any supplies it requests within 48 hours. If the item is a priority item, the paperwork can be cleared through the Assistant Division Supply Officer and issued immediately.
The supply section also handles some 300 food items.
The POL section carries 90 items of gas, fuel, oil and lubricants. The 14-man POL section operates a POL yard that is equipped to provide service for sedans, trucks, tanks and fixed-wing aircraft. In an emergency, the section could also handle helicopters.
Company A also operates five van-mounted erdelators and two air-mobile water points. |
11th Quartermaster Company, 8th S&T Battalion |
The 11th uses big 100-foot diameter cargo chutes for heavy equipment drops.
When the company packers and riggers prepare equipment for a brigade-size maneuver, they handle about 125 tons of equipment.
The Aerial Delivery Platoon, at Lee Bks, Mainz, has a strength of 30 people.
The Parachute-Packing Platoon, Rhine Kaserne, has a strength of 45 men. The shake-out tower at Rhein Kaserne, built in 1959, has become a familiar landmark for the area. (Wet chutes are strung up in the tower and hung for a minimum of 6 hours to dry. The temperature within the tower is kept a 240-degrees F.) Damaged chutes are sent to the unit's small repair and maintenance section. Chutes requiring major repairs are sent to the Nahbollenbach Army Depot.
A good packer can do three parachutes per hour. The platoon can do between 250 and 300 repacks a day. Several inspections are made by senior packers throughout the repacking process.
Personnel parachutes have a lifespan of 10 years and must then be rehabilitated for use as a cargo chute. Each personnel parachute is repacked every three months (if not used) and cargo chutes once a year. |
708th Maintenance Battalion |

HHC 708th Maint Bn formation - during period of switch over of uniforms from
OG-107 to BDU's (around 1983) |

E Co, 708th Maint Bn, ready for an alert |

Organization of the 708th Maintenance Battalion, mid-1960s |
708th Maintenance Bn DUI |
1965 |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The maintenance battalion provides direct support maintenance for the division and its attachments to include:
a. Direct support maintenance for all materiel except medical, electrical accounting, quartermastes airdrop, and cryptographic equipment.
b. Obtaining, accounting for, and issuing selected maintenance float items.
c. Supply of repair parts.
d. Operation of maintenance collection points and provision of evacuation service.
Direct support maintenance, to include a limited materiel recovery and evacuation capability, is provided each brigade by a forward support company in the brigade trains area (1). The forward support company is reinforced as required by elements of the headquarters and main support company of the maintenance battalion.
The headquarters and main support company (2) operates in the division support area, providing direct maintenance support to the division elements not supported by the forward support companies as well as backup maintenance support to the forward support companies. The headquarters and main support company operates the main division maintenance collection point and provides evacuation assistance to support units when required.
The aircraft maintenance company (3) provides direct support maintenance for organic and attached division aircraft at airstrips and helicopter operating sites.
(1) Company C, 708th Maint Bn, supports 3rd Brigade, Co D supports 1st Brigade and Co E supports 2nd Brigade.
(2) Headquarters and A Company, 708th Maint Bn.
(3) Company B, 708th Maint Bn. |

Barracks building of Co B, 708th Maint Bn, Wackernheim mid-1960s (Al Bruss) |
1966 |
(Source: STATION LIST, 31 December 1966) |
ORGANZIATION (Dec 1966): |
708th Maintenance Bn |
HQ & A Co |
Smith Bks, Baumholder |
TOE 29-025E63 |
B Co |
McCully Bks, Wackernheim |
TOE 29-025E63 - Aircraft Support |
C Co |
Coleman Bks, Sandhofen (Mannheim) |
TOE 29-025E63 - Forward Support |
D Co |
Lee Bks, Gonsenheim (Mainz) |
TOE 29-025E63 - Forward Support |
E Co |
Smith Bks, Baumholder |
TOE 29-025E63 - Forward Support |
1970 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, May 19, 1970) |
The 708th Maintenance Battalion has companies and detachments in Bad Kreuznach, Mannheim, Mainz and at Finthen Army Airfield, as well as its headquarters and two companies in Baumholder. |
ORGANIZATION (May 1970): |
708th Maintenance Bn |
HQ & A Co |
Smith Bks, Baumholder |
TOE 29-025E63 |
B Co |
Finthen AAF, Finthen |
C Co |
Coleman Bks, Sandhofen (Mannheim) |
D Co |
Lee Bks, Gonsenheim (Mainz) |
E Co |
Smith Bks, Baumholder |
Lt Col Richard Nidever is the Bn CO. (Webmaster note: Nidever was replaced by Lt Col David E. Green in July 1970.) |
1980 |
(Source: Email from Gilbert Burket) |
I served in the 708th Maintenance Battalion from August 1980 to about April 1983. I was stationed at Baumholder, FRG. I served as the Battalion S-4, and then later as the XO of B Company, which was the Heavy Maintenance Company. My longest tenure was the "operations officer" for something called FAST Bravo, which was the Forward (Area?) Support Team supporting the 2nd Brigade, which was also located at Baumholder. This was an experiment in combat support, taking elements of the maintenance company, the medical company, and the S&T Battalion and creating task force units to support the 2nd Brigade in the field. I was required to draw assets from all three units, field them for an exercise, coordinate with the 2nd Bde S-4, and also report to the 8th ID DISCOM commander. Sound complicated? You bet, but it yielded very good results as far as projecting service to our customers as far forward as possible. I also served as the commander of HLM, 708th (the Headquarters and Light Maintenance Company) for about 5 months, and then finished out my tour as the OIC of the Baumholder Welcome Center. |

Unique camouflage on 708th Maint Bn HET vehicle during FTX |
What drove me to write was your friend's plea for information about camouflage (see link). While I can't address the questions he is asking, I thought he would enjoy the attached photo. The yellow vehicle is actually a US Army Heavy Equipment Transporter, typically used to move or recover tanks. About 1981 we were scheduled for a major field problem, I believe against the 3rd ID. We were expected to maximize our camouflage discipline and elude detection from the opposing forces recon aircraft. If you have ever seen one of these vehicles, you can imagine the number of camouflage nets it would take to hide even one of these.... I think we had six at the time. Somebody in our company came up with the idea of painting them to look like a civilian vehicle and then parking them amongst German construction vehicles! We didn't spring this on the DISCOM commander until the exercise was already underway. There was a lot of skepticism at first, but the 3rd ID never figured it out, and never identified our vehicles in their overflights!
Despite our success, one of the last orders from that exercise was to return back to home station "And paint those damn yellow HET's back to Army OD!"
I have dozens of photos around here that I need to scan. Some of them are better than others. (The one with all of the trucks is E Co. 708th the morning an alert has been called. The vehicles are in an assembly area below the 708th BN Headquarters.) It may take some time to get that done in between other projects, so please be patient with me.
One thing I do have available is a number of scans from a US Army recruiting brochure "The Army in Europe"...some of the photos look posed, but it actually managed to capture a wide variety of scenes from around Europe in the mid 1970's (Including the one of the APC with the brown camo and black star). |

Member of the 708th Maint performs maintenance on a 12th Engr Bn Gamma Goat |

Capt Dan Roh, CO of B Co, confers with an officer of 3rd SUPCOM and a German soldier |
1982 |
(Source: Email from Dennis Mackey) |
I arrived in West Germany in October 1982. I was assigned to the 8th infantry Divison - B Company 708th Maint Bn, Baumholder
First thing I noticed was the NCO leadership was serious about everything. Looking back they had to be. We supported 2nd Brigade and had a detachment in Wildflecken supporting 1st Brigade who had the mission of plugging the Fulda Gap from the south, linking up with 4th ID (?) and 3rd Armored to the north.
2nd Brigade's mission was to cover the rear of 4th ID and 3rd Armored and 1st Brigade. Basically, back then we were to stop an advance to Frankfurt from a Warsaw Pact agressor, i.e. stop them cold. Period .
B Co 708th Maint unit had an small arms repair shop, canvas repair shop, welding & machine shop, an evac section, wheeled vehicle repair section, engineers\line section.
We did alerts at least once a mounth. We had an hour to be on the vehicles, packed with everything ready to head to the Gap.
We fixed a lot of things there. I was a machinist. We went to Graf. We always had a detachment in the field, mostly at Graf and Hohensfels. And don't forget REFORGER. The 1sgt there wanted us to be infantry. With all the equipment we had I wished we were infantry. They made cammo net one time in Graf the size of the Texas.
The last REFORGER I went to we roll in there, I get my net up quick over my 109 van and my 1sgt comes by, looks at it an goes: You have it upside down. After that I said if I stay in, I'm going to be a grunt and screw this net. Then they wake me up at 2 am to fix a stripped out bolt on a Gama Goat's alternator bracket. They insisted it had to done then and there. So, I manage to wake up and fix the thing. I just laid down in the van, its 6 am, and that same 1st sgt is running around in MOPP 4 screaming 'gas, gas, gas.' I'm like, man if he was wearing MILES gear his beeper would be goin off in real quick. Yep, 1st Sgt Egan wanted us to be infantry.
One thing, if we ever had to plug that gap he would have kept us alive.
My next unit was an infantry unit. They can have their cammo net. My old 1st sgt got his wish. |
547th Transportation Company |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, March 21, 1964) |
The 547th Transportation Company (Lt Trk) at Lee Barracks, Gonsenheim provides ground mobility support to 1st Bn, 509th Inf. To be able to perform its tasks of transporting cargo and troops to a staging area or anyplace they are called upon in supporting the airborne unit, the company is equipped with approximately 70 task force vehicles that include 2½-ton trucks, gas tankers, and wreckers.
The company is staffed with 72 drivers and 14 mechanics who work in the unit's motor pool.
(Webmaster note: The Seventh Army STATION LIST for AUG 1964 indicates that there was another LT TRK company attached to the 8th Inf Div at this time - the 544th Trans Co (Lt Trk). This unit was also located at Lee Barracks and probably supported 2nd Bn, 509th Inf. ) |
Related Links:
Infantry Division Association - a web site for ALL former
soldiers of the 8th Infantry Division from beginning to end..... to
keep the memories and spirit of the 8th Infantry Division from fading
into history........
of the 50s - |